How to 10x your Learning: Learning to Learn MORE with Mr. Garik Tate and PN Philippines

I got to warn you, at first it will be boring to read this, but please stay until the end so that you can learn something. It’s not filtered so everything I know I share.

It was early in the morning of July 22, 2017, students were again gathered to that room we call Van Engelen Hall at the University of San Carlos – Talamban Campus. Together with Mr. Clark Pantinople and our new speaker who will share his knowledge to us, Mr Garik Tate and his partner Kimmy.

Since sharing is our primary focus here, let’s not be closed minded and be open to new opportunities of opportunities within us.

It is not ideal to start with this but I love it so let me:

“Your talent is just 1%, 5%, but the 95% of it is what you do.”

-Garik Tate-

Yes! That line struck me while he was talking there in front of everyone. Convincing us that we can be a better learner, we are human and that what’s makes us unique in the Animal Kingdom.

We started the event with of course an energizer, not physically but mentally. The attendees were asked with different questions like riddles and etc. It was really engaging and fun. The entire room was filled with laughter when the answer is that simple and people where talking from deep in the ocean. There was strong energy in the air. I love it! Everyone is really engaged.

Then the speaker was introduced to us with his different achievements;

  • Entrepreneur For Over 14 Years,
  • Launched Multiple Online Products, Some To Lists Of Over 1,000,000 People
  • Created Businesses In Every Industry Imaginable, From: New Age Magick to Weightloss to Construction to Legal
  • Currently Acting As A Founding Member Of Blvnp Inc
  • Have Helped Mentor 6 Filipino Entrepreneurs Who Started Their Own Company
  • and more and more

. And there was a “WOW!” just “WOW!” indeed from the  attendees. And tat is just how we came to know about Mr. Garik Tate.

Then he started his speech with a story of life experience. He started his first business at the age of eight. He said that he observed that after every football practice, there were no food to buy outside, then he started his business and at the end of summer he had more than trice his capital.

Then he posted this question to everyone.


Why should you Learn how to Learn?

Well, some people has this what we called a “Fixed Mindset”( believing that what they can do is just it, and that they cannot be better than what they can do best or they are not willing to learn because they just can’t), which drives them not to yearn for more learning.

To be able to learn how to learn, we need to reprogram our minds into having a “Growth Mindset”, this is a mindset that states that there is always room for improvement.

How to 10x your Learning

  1. Learning WHAT to Learn——————have a focus, look for opportunities to learn
  2. Being WILLING to Learn and,———–have a Growth Mindset, be Open for more
  3. Making new information Stick———crafting your mind to be welcoming

After discussing on why and how a person should be able to learn as a learner without resistance from new knowledge shared. He then continued sharing 3 principles on being a better learner in learning, the following are:


“Use your own instinct, your brain, your mind to separate the craft from the weak.”

-Garik Tate-

Being able to exercise judgement on every action you make, every decision you choose.

“I have this arrogance of belief that, Even if I’m long long way from these people(successful people) but I can eventually catch up…”.

His statement when he have shared about people being very successful in life having good judgement in themselves to pursue and believe that they can do more.

He continued by adding this questions that each opportunities of learning specially when facing other people:

  • Do they have what you want?
    • What will they share, are they really going to share? Some people would just give you a glance of it because they can be afraid that you can do better somehow.
  • Have they’ve been where you are?
    • Have these kind of people experience somewhat the same situations you are in to.
  • Do they have an Ulterior Motive?
    • Some people just convince you you have problem to sell.
  • Do they know how they achieve success?
    • People who knows how they did can give you a clear road map to where you want to go to.
  • Do they have testimonials?
    • Have there been people who took their advise and eventually succeed?

Finding teachers is the core of success. Most people cannot achieve success without people helping them to, sometimes it’s money but most of the times it’s the words that weighs more than that.

To find a good teacher, you must know what really is your goal, the core skills you need to acquire and the elective skills you need from them. It’s best that you start with the top books that successful people are reading.

Here are the Authors Mr. Garik recommends,

–Vishen Lahikini- Maltz Maxwell- Tim Ferriss- Tom Bilyeu- Tony Robbins- Jay Abraham- Kevin Trudeau- Napoleon Hill- Dale Carnegie- Robert Kiyosaki- Darren Hardy- Ramit Sethi- Robert Greene- Michael E Gerber- Carol Dweck- Seneca The Younger – Esther Hicks

Each of them has their own experience find out who they are and think about it if they are the people you want to follow their footsteps to.


“Being willing to learn multiplied by willing to apply equals being teachable.”

-Garik Tate-

This is the hardest thing for most of us, programming to yearn for more learning and being flexible to judge about what we already know.

Sometimes we say, “I already know that!”, but “Am I doing that?” That is the first question we should ask to ourselves. If you did it then “Have you mastered it?“. If ever then, “Does my results shows so?”. Asses yourself, only you can change yourself.

Four Steps of Mastery

“Your brain is a supercomputer with Galactic Power within it.”

-Garik Tate-

“What you’re really doing when learning is building neural pathways.”

  1. Unconscious Incompetenceat first you don’t really know how to tie your shoelace
  2. Conscious Incompetence——then something you don’t know exists, going to…
  3. Conscious Competence——-you already know how, but you haven’t tried, and then
  4. Unconscious Competence—–you automatically know how

“This is why it’s smart to study things over and over again.”

Being able to really learn is to be able to repeat(repetitive action), authorize(set yourself to be able to do it), and intensify(do it until it becomes a hobby).

Lastly he shared his Final Tips to Learn Faster:

  • Engage your Physiology (speak and write)
  • Listen to Audios and Read Books(exercise your ability to listen and learn)
  • Teach Stuff(create an imaginary friend and teach him and let him ask)
  • If you think you have leaned all you can, you’ve made a big mistake.
  • Be aware of your length in medium(go beyond what you can, always)
  • Challenge yourself(push your limits to another limitation)

“You are not slow, you are not weak, you can go further, you can do it…”

-Garik Tate-


There is always much of things to learn and that’s what I realized. I also am one of the people who believe that their are just those individuals and gifted with what they have until now.

It has really inspired me and I’m really glad that PN has given us opportunity to hear form the Best of the Best. It’s really amazing sitting there and absorbing all of this in just 3 hours and bringing this lesson throughout your life.

I just wished that you were there too, to hear it personally and realized that we can always go further, can always learn more, just give it to ourselves and our brain will work all the rest.

Thank you very much to Mr. Garik Tate!

(Drums rumbling louder and louder, people cheering, then fireworks clash through the night skies)


Special thanks to Sir Clark Pantinople again for giving me these pictures that appears in this article.



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